Monday, April 22, 2019

How to Control Black Widow Spiders

To help eliminate Black Widow spiders and remain ahead of them, the Winnipeg insect control company of Gilles Lambert Pest Control lists what you ought to know:

Black Widow spiders cause more concern than any other spider group.

Black Widows are discovered in every state in the U.S. and more typically in hotter parts of the country.

Black Widow Spiders: Are there any in Manitoba?

There are a couple of species of black widow spider inside Canada: the northern black widow in eastern and southern Ontario and western black widow discovered in areas of BC to Manitoba.

Black Widow spiders get transported around the country inside boxcars, moving vans, and freight and with additional transport like incoming ships. It has contributed to their widespread distribution.


Female Black Widows are jet black, typically with a red hourglass shape on their underside of the globular abdomen. Their body measures around ½” in length. Adult males don’t appear much like the female as they are around half the female’s size, have longer legs, and aren’t black yet lighter colored with white streaks on their abdomen. Males aren’t considered to be a severe biting threat.


Black Widows spin irregular, erratic shaped webs which lack any form or design. Their silken, thick webs are extremely strong – more so than almost all other spider species or arachnids. Black widow spiders are shy and retiring and typically construct their webs in spaces which are undisturbed where they hang around with their stomach facing up just waiting for a meal.  

Not an aggressive spider, it’ll bite in self-defense if threatened or disturbed. The majority of spider bites form Black Widow’s happen during accidental contact of the nesting site.  Be cautious about leaving clothing and tennis shoes outside overnight as they might become an appealing spider nest site.


This species likes to nest on the underside of rocks, boards, debris and inside plantings. In different areas of Texas, they’ve been typically seen on the undersides of playground equipment, fence railings, inside weep holes, in patio grills, outdoor air conditioning units and occasionally in sneakers left outside on the patio.

They like the outside yet extremes or changes in weather might cause it to migrate to the interior of buildings and homes. Also, they might hitch a ride inside potted plants or additional things brought in from outside.


Take precautions especially in Houston when working outside to avoid contacting the spider potentially hiding in or under something. Gloves might assist in preventing an uncomfortable bite.


Bites from a Black Widow might result in headache, nausea, high blood pressure, excessive perspiration, and muscle spasms. Shock and difficulty breathing might occur in some instances. Immediately visit your doctor for treatment if you suffer a bite.

Control of Black Widow Spiders

To assist in controlling the black widow spider, attempt to eliminate or reduce lawn debris and additional non-essential outside stored objects to help to minimize hiding spaces. Sweeping down and inspecting for webs, egg sacs and spiders, as well as stepping on them helps destroy a bit of activity. Occasional spider web hunts might help to reduce their population. The spider might not succumb to a handful of insecticides.

Professional Assistance

Our routine exterior services decrease the Black Widow’s food supply and directly treats the spiders. Contact us today!

The post How to Control Black Widow Spiders appeared first on Gilles Lambert Pest Control.


Thursday, April 11, 2019

Gilles Lambert Pest Control’s Mice Control Service

Learning how to eliminate mice starts with one easy choice: do you want to do things the hard way or the easy way? Helping eliminate mice may be as easy as making a call to Gilles Lambert Pest Control’s mice control service, otherwise it may seem like you are chasing invisible mice inside walls. For all those brave folks who want to face the disease-carrying rodents by yourself, here is what you should know about how to eliminate mice.

Eliminate entry points

Rodent-proofing your house, or building mice out, is an efficient method of stopping mice infestations from spreading or ever happening in the first place. You can defend your home from mice by eliminating easy access and points of entry. It may be challenging due to a mouse’s capability of squeezing itself inside even the smallest of openings. One good rule is if it’s possible to fit a pencil inside an opening, hole, or crack a mouse is able to get through it.

Make use of mouse traps

The best method of helping to eliminate mice in a continuous infestation is with mouse traps. Those wooden, classic snap traps are going to do the trick for light to moderate populations of mice; however, remember that the majority of folk’s underestimate mice infestations. It isn’t uncommon to lay a dozen traps for just a single mouse – or what you believe is just a single mouse. Use a lot.

Bait stations

These are sealed packets that contain pellets or meal. Typically, bait stations are available in cellophane, paper, or plastic wrapping, and allow the mice to easily chew through and reach the fresh, preserved bait. Mice feed on the bait and die. While useful in eliminating mice, those products are better handled by trained pest control specialists to ensure the safety of you, your pets, as well as your kids.

Good sanitation will not eliminate mice, yet poor sanitation attracts them

Mice will survive on just 3 – 4g of food a day; therefore, a couple of crumbs here and there all are they actually need. Vacuum the floors and make certain to wipe counters down, eliminating crumbs, residue, and any accessibility to sources of food.

Tackle mice in and out of the house

Get rid of debris around the house in which mice will hide. Keep all weeds to a minimum and destroy nesting areas and burrows as you come across them. Lining your property’s foundation using one strip of heavy gravel is an excellent method of preventing burrowing and nesting.

Mice vs Cats

Most cats like to hunt mice. A few dogs even will join in on the fun. If you happen to have any pets, they actually may be the best method of catching mice without having to lift a finger. If you do not have any pets, now might be a great time to stop viewing cat videos on the internet and get one in real life.

Are you still experiencing problems eliminating those annoying mice? Call one of our pest control experts today!


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Friday, April 5, 2019

Winnipeg Pest Control Company Launches New Website To Increase Online Presence And Improve Customer Service Experience

Winnipeg Canada – GL Pest Control, a leading pest control company based in Winnipeg Canada is today proud to announce the launch of their newly designed website which can be found at

The new website has been professionally built from the ground up and features logical and straightforward navigation, a clean and modern interface and perhaps most importantly of all has been built to be mobile friendly. A mobile-friendly website dynamically changes depending on the type of device the visitor is using to ensure that the site always displays correctly. This is critical in the modern business world, as search engine companies have recently reported that over 50 percent of website visits are now completed on mobile devices such as cell phones or tablets.

Although the company had a website previously, they felt that it had become outdated and did not represent the modern and forward-thinking company that GL Pest Control has now become. In the modern business world, a professional website is an essential tool of the trade, and it can, and in many cases, does form the first impressions of a company for any prospective customer.

GL Pest Control aimed to create a site that properly reflected the essence of their brand, but also provided in-depth knowledge advice and expertise for their potential clients. Having spoken to thousands of clients over the years, GL Pest Control was very aware of the fact that when anyone discovers a pest problem in their property, they are desperate for information and in many cases find the situation very stressful. Part of the aim of the new site is to remove the fear and improve their customer’s knowledge, before the attendance of the professionals.

“At GL Pest Control, our number one priority is to put our customer’s minds at rest and deal with the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible,” said Gilles Lambert. “Our website provides us with the perfect opportunity to build our brand, while at the same time delivering an excellent level of service to our clients. We want to make their experience as stress-free as possible, and the old website was simply not fit for purpose. We contacted Jacob Kettner over at First Rank Solutions, and he understood exactly what we were after, and even suggested a few ideas that we had not considered. We are thrilled with the final result and have already received many positive comments from our customers.”

Gilles Lambert Pest Control Services Inc. is a family owned and operated pest control company based in Winnipeg Canada. They started as a small one-man company with nothing but past experience. After much hard work and effort, the company developed, and because of its integrity and many satisfied customers, it has flourished into what it is today, the largest independent pest control service company in Manitoba. They are proactive, using current techniques and they innovate to discover treatment methods that advance their competitive position. For more information about the company and the various services that they provide, visit their website at

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Thursday, April 4, 2019

13 Facts About Cockroaches

According to the pest control professionals at Gilles Lambert Pest Control, cockroaches are one of the most disliked pests among their customers. Below we list 13 cockroach facts which assist in keeping them alive and well.

  1. Several cockroach species just mate one time yet then are pregnant for life. Notorious for their prolific breeding, depending upon the environment they live in and their species, egg capsules from cockroaches are created anywhere from four to seventy days.
  2. Roaches may hold their breath for about forty minutes. It’s why utilizing store bought bombs aren’t effective at destroying most cockroaches which exist inside a structure. As cockroaches detect poison in the air, they’ll take a deep breath then run for cover for cleaner, safe air!
  3. Cockroaches are able to live for one whole week without a head! This creepy, but interesting pest, only dies because it cannot drink any water without a head!
  4. Typically, cockroaches are nocturnal and sleep for around 75 percent of the day. If you notice them in the daytime, it is a good sign that you have a severe infestation.
  5. Cockroaches easily can survive without consuming food for one month; however, deprive them of water for one week and they’ll be dead! However, eliminating water accessibility is impossible in businesses and homes, as water is inside every commode and sink drain.
  6. You never can sneak up on a cockroach. Cockroaches have a nerve which runs from the head to the tail which alerts them of impending harm.
  7. A single egg hatches up to 40 new roaches in just 1 month!
  8. They have reflexes which are faster than human beings, which permit them to run quickly, and provide them the capability of swimming with great ease. Cockroaches have a hard time coming up for air because they breathe through their sides, and not their noses.
  9. If you notice a “white cockroach”, do not be frightened…it isn’t a ghost roach! It is simply a cockroach which has outgrown its outside skeleton and has shed his skin.
  10. Cockroaches tend to have one helpful purpose for human beings…if you have a stinging wound, it’s possible to crush a cockroach then apply the pest to the wound to alleviate the pain.
  11. If you’ve ever had an infestation and chased the bugs around your house attempting to kill them with your shoe, you know how quickly they’re able to run. Good luck attempting to catch them, as they’re able to scurry away at up to 3 MPH!
  12. For centuries, the majority of cultures have utilized cockroaches for medical reasons to cure urinary tract infections, inflammation, indigestion, and additional physical ailments.
  13. The lack of regular food sources isn’t an issue for resourceful cockroaches, as they’ll turn their feasting to paper, glue, clothing, leather, soap, toothpaste, hair, or even other dead cockroaches or their very own droppings.

No matter the kind of species that has invaded your business or home, you’ll need the assistance of a pest control professional to completely eliminate the filthy bugs.



The post 13 Facts About Cockroaches appeared first on Gilles Lambert Pest Control.
